How To: Heart Latte

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Master the perfect heart shape on top of your loved ones coffee with our how to guide!



Start by steaming your milk until it reaches a silky smooth consistency. Now it's time to perfect your pouring speed, not too fast, not too slow!

Hold your mug with your coffee in in one hand slightly at an angle towards the milk, start pouring 4 inches above the coffee liquid in the middle of the cup and once you've filled the cup 1/2 way, bring the milk spout as close as you can to the surface of the drink without touching.

Continue to pour with a medium speed keeping your location in the centre of the cup. A circular shape will begin to form, once your mug is almost full, bring your pitcher back up and in one swift motion, strike through the circle to form the heart.

This might take a few attempts but once you've mastered it you'll be unstoppable!

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