Meatball Burgers
Featured Product:
Italian Herb Seasoning

Love burgers? Adore meatballs? Then this is the recipe for you!
Love burgers? Adore meatballs? Then this is the recipe for you!
Place the tomato puree, vegetable broth, Italian Herb Seasoning, Garlic Powder, Sea Salt, Maple Syrup, Crushed Chillies and Ground Black Pepper into a bowl and mix until combined.
Sauté the mushrooms, kale and garlic in oil over a medium heat until soft (around 10 - 15 minutes). Leave to cool.
Place the lentils, bread crumbs, oats, walnuts, some of the sauce, thyme, basil, oregano and salt into a food processor and pulse until the mixture sticks together. (Add a bit more sauce if needed but make sure it's not too wet!)
Add the mushrooms, kale and garlic to the processor and pulse until incorporated. Place the mixture into a bowl and keep in the fridge overnight or for at least 20 minutes.
Shape the mixture into burger patties or meat balls, place in a pan with oil over a medium heat and cook for 15 minutes on each side or bake for 20 - 25 minutes (190C).
Serve in buns with leftover sauce, cheese and toppings of your choice.
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